March 10, 2025

Forward Together continues to roll out helpful information, messaging, & helpful tips to help youth

Starting this month, new Forward Together ads roll out statewide! The new spots feature stories of real Colorado teens and parents that represent a diverse array of voices. These stories explain how they have built stronger connections. Ads will reach less-connected audiences through streaming TV (like Hulu),
Snapchat, Pandora, and out-of-home placements, like bus shelters and laundromat posters.

In 2022 Forward Together will aim to provide messaging that talks about deepening relationships by focusing on how, and using tactical tips and real stories.

foward together

What’s On the Minds of Youth, Parents, & Caregivers (2021)

For youth relationships with their parents/caregivers

Relationships with parents actually got a little better, but not necessarily deeper. Young people felt their parents really recognized what they were
going through and tried to calibrate to their needs.

For parent/caregiver relationships with youth…

Parents had to learn how to navigate through new challenges that they hadn’t really dealt with before — like becoming their child’s “teacher”, or talking about social justice issues. For parents with fewer resources, last year’s challenges became insufferable, with issues like food and housing
insecurity weighing heavily on them. But overall, parents really stepped up to try to be there as best they could.

Some Useful links

Forward Together Survey 2021
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