Some helpful info when it comes to your health as a young person.

Whether its questions about getting mental health help, substance misuse, or questions about your sexual health, there are many resources in our community where you can learn more and get the expert advice you may need.

Have Questions About Birth Control & Your Health?
Teen sexual health is about how sex affects your physical and emotional health. It means knowing how to form healthy relationships and making decisions about sex that are right for you.
As your body changes during puberty, how you think, feel, and interact with others also changes. You may have new feelings and thoughts about sex. Understanding who you’re becoming as a sexual young adult is also part of teen sexual health. For some teens, that includes understanding gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.
For all teens, taking responsibility for sexual health is part of growing up. Whether you choose to have sex or wait, responsibility includes knowing about:
- Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
- Birth control
- What a healthy relationship is
for more info: Teen Sexual Health

Lets get something straight about mental health…
Myth: People are “faking it” or doing it for attention.
Fact: No one would choose to have a mental illness, just as no one would choose to have a physical illness. The causes for mental health conditions are intensively studied and they are real. For anyone living with a mental health condition, their specific symptoms may not always be visible to an untrained observer. It
can be challenging to relate to what people with mental health conditions are going through, but that doesn’t mean that their condition isn’t real.
Myth: You’re just sad, not depressed.
Fact: Depression is not something a person can will away. People often have the misconception that a person can just “cheer up” or “shake it off.” It is not just “the blues,” but a serious medical condition that affects the biological functioning of our bodies. However, there are treatments like cognitive therapy or medication that can help address the symptoms of depression.
Myth: Mental illness is caused by personal weakness.
Fact: Just like any major illness, mental illness is not the fault of the person who has a mental health condition. It is caused by environmental and biological factors, not a result of personal weakness. A stressful job or home life makes some people more susceptible, as do traumatic life events like being
the victim of a crime. Biochemical processes and circuits as well as basic brain structure may play a role too.
Myth: You can’t help someone with mental illness.
Fact: Everyone can help those living with mental illness by speaking and acting in a way that preserves personal dignity. If you are a part of removing mental illness stigma in our society you are helping
everyone affected by a condition. Two easy ways to do this are:
- Using person-first language. This means that a person is not their illness; an example would be saying “she has depression” not “she is depressed”
- Do not use offensive slang. A person with a mental health condition is not “crazy,” “psycho,” “insane,” or “loony.” When you use these words you are implying again that a person is solely their illness.
If you are directly in care of someone living with a mental illness you can:
- Learn as much as possible about mental health and your family member’s condition.
- Show interest in your family member’s treatment plan.
- Encourage your family member to follow the treatment plan.
- Strive for an atmosphere of cooperation within the family.
- Listen carefully.
- Resume “normal” activities and routines.
- Don’t push too hard.
- Find support.
- Express your support out loud.
- Keep yourself and your family member safe.
- Prepare a crisis plan
- Don’t give up.
NAMI, Supporting Recovery
NAMI, 6 Myths and Facts About Mental Health